Bible Courses
Experience online Bible learning as never before through interactive games! Taste how sweet God's Word is in 3 months!
World Cup Bible
The world's first eSports for self-motivated learning of the Bible! Join the World Cup Bible, then you can compete with participants from 100+ countries and regions and also learn the Bible verses related to different topics.
Technology Partner
JOYAJOY, the developer of the award-winning app platform, DipDip, is a global technology partner of ArkWord Ministries.

Awards & Recommendations

The Best Learning App
(Pacific Century Cyberworks Ltd.)
PCCW presented The Best Learning App Award to JOYAJOY (formerly DipDip) for the Yellow Page Award 2017.

The Most Innovative Social Media
(Hong Kong Commercial Times)
Under Secretary for Commerce and Econ Dev, HK Govt, Dr. Bernard Chan presented The Most Innovative Social Media Award to JOYAJOY.